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Attemped Hackers I caught
The Hackers that Got Hacked
the hunters that became the prey
Wall of Shame

JURGEN- FRIEDRICH-Wisawa Capital Thailan

JuRgen FriedRich - this Dude probably has so many convicted offenses he claims to be hiding, I mean living in Thailand. He looks half swedish and southeast Asian. Claims to have lived in Sweden. Runs Investment Schemes saying if you pay insurance his company will invest in yours. Smooth talker, but occasionally slips a condescending phrase. He pretended that the skype conference had a bad connection but I was snapping away at his ugly mug. His website got taken down mostly because of my counter attack and reporting to proper channels

His Website Before:

wisawa funds.png

His Website Now:

wisawa united funds website.png

Indian Based Hacker Nest I Caught. They were trying to Get money for Injecting Malware Via Web Vulnerabilites in Windows and posing as Microsoft Support. Note: Indian Hacker Have Grossed over $6 Trillion in theft

Jalandahar Hacker Counter Attack

Jalandahar Hacker Counter Attack

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More perpetrators to come...err victims

©2022 by Steve Favis

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